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  • Writer's pictureAmmie

A Whole New World

There have been many changes to the game since swapping to an MMORPG style. The map and world design had to go under some deep construction to fit the new lore of Land of Fury! Zarathustra has been renamed to Zara, and we decided a super continent would be a better design choice for the MMO aesthetic.Also, instead of special towns that the players begin in, we have chosen special Kingdoms for the player to start their journey.

Each kingdom will have its own unique story that is a key puzzle piece to the overall lore of the game. With each character, the player discovers different key points of the story and views of each kingdom. The kingdoms also are a major aspect in potential guild features as well as special kingdom based quests. This also opens the possibility of affinity with certain kingdoms to gain privileges among the NPCs within the kingdoms.

Among the different kingdoms, there are also a few neutral towns that will mark key meet up points between the different characters. Often in the neutral towns, player can learn information about the other kingdoms they didn't start in. These neutral towns will also play a major part in the story with revealing the secrets of the opposing kingdoms.


What kind of kingdoms are there?

Well, we have already built a few of the main kingdoms the player will start in. Due to how the stories will flow, what race the player chooses will decide what kingdom they will begin in. For a brief into to the kingdoms, there are three major kingdoms that start the story of Land of Fury.

One kingdom is the main powerhouse of the land that holds secrets the other two kingdoms are unaware of. This kingdom is very well trusted with many affairs that happen among the other two kingdoms and wishes to keep the balance throughout Zara.

Another kingdom has a strong military utilizing beast tamers even though the land they own is small. Utilizing beast training, they are able to use these beasts for transportation. Although this kingdom is located in the desert, they provide special trade routes for the other kingdoms, making the kingdom a major asset to the other kingdoms.

The last starting kingdom is the home to the guild of adventurers. Lots of information flows through this kingdom and it is used as a major information network. This kingdom also provides mercenaries to the other kingdoms in exchange for information.

These kingdoms all play a major role in the story, as they all have their secrets. Some kingdoms are trying to turn other kingdoms against one another, while other kingdoms are working to find the traitors among them. Its up to the player to discover these secrets and learn the truth behind each kingdom.


We look forward to having everyone explore the new Zara and experience the many kingdoms! Let us know if there are any special features you think will work well with the kingdom aspect and what you would like to see more of!

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